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established and run by Anna and Witold Broda, co-originators of Węgajty Theatre and Brotherhood of the Poor group. Authors of music for the performances of Trust Theater and Badhuistheater in Amsterdam. Taking into account the various currents observable in folk, the band could probably be classified as "re-constructors" of tradition, although the Brodas describe their music in Lorca's words as "still bearing the ugly rhythms of a man who knows grammar." The group's repertoire comprises unique specimens of traditional music collected by Oskar Kolberg, the Institute of Arts at the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Department of Church Ethnomusicology of the Catholic University of Lublin, as well as by the musicians themselves. It covers the musical heritage of Central Poland, the regions of Mazowsze, Kurpie Białe, Radomskie, and Łęczyckie. Band members see the refined beauty of Polish music as worth being reconstructed with great reverence to the original sound. For this reason, they pay special attention to the ancient vocal art. The manner in which they play is traditional, yet the musicians enrich it with their own embellishments; the treatment of original and re-constructed instruments, such as hurdy-gurdy, dulcimer, double bass, and violin, is also of their own device. The Brodas' first record, Pieśni i melodie na rozmaite święta (Songs and Melodies for Various Holidays) , won the title of "The Folk Phonogram of the Year 2001." They cooperate with Adam Strug, author of documentaries devoted to folk music and prizewinner at Polish Song Festival in Opole, Students' Song Festival in Kraków, Festival of Poetry Set to Music in Olsztyn, the Folk Groups and Singers Festival in Kazimierz and Wisłą. Since January 2004 the band has worked with Janusz Prusinowski under a new name, "Dla Róży" ("For Rose"). In April 2004 they were awarded second prize at the VII Polish Radio Folk Music Festival "Nowa Tradycja" ("New Tradition").

"Pieśni i melodie na rozmaite święta " (Songs and Melodies for Various Holidays) - CD Raz Dwa, 2001
"Kolędy i inne pieśni " (Christmas Carols and Other Songs) - CD Raz Dwa, 2002




Warsaw Village Band
The Saint Nicholas Orchestra
Trebunie Tutki Group
Jorgi Quartet
Broda Group
Ensemble Polonais

prof.Jan Adamowski
Maria Baliszewska
prof. Jerzy Bartmiński
Małgorzata Jędruch
Tomasz Janas
Wojciech Ossowski

Folk Groups and Singers Festival in Kazimierz
Folk Music Festival of The Polish Radio "Nowa Tradycja"
International Folk Music Festival "Mikołajki Folkowe"
Folk Meeting "Z wiejskiego podwórza"

"The first and second existence of folklore" - prof. Anna Czekanowska
"Folk is longitudinal" - Marcin Skrzypek
"Music revival" - Magdalena Sobczak
"Names of folk" - Ewa Wróbel

more soon...


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