Professor Jan Adamowski - lecturer at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (Polish Philology, Departament of Cultural Studies), linguist and folklorist. Jury member at "Mikołajki Folkowe" Festival in 1996 and 2002. Author of scholarly works, e.g. W polu lipejka (A Lime-tree in the Field, Zamość 1988), Kategoria przestrzeni w folklorze. Studium etnolingwistyczne (The notion of space in folklore. An ethnolinguistic study, Lublin 2000), Spiewanki moje. Najwybitniejsi śpiewacy ludowi Lubelszczyzny i ich repertuar. (My Songs. The Best Folk Singers of the Lublin Region and their Repertoire, Lublin 2003). Editor of Kazimierskie Nuty, member of the editorial team of the quarterly Twórczość Ludowa. In 2004 he won the "Folk Oscar" awarded by the Lublin Association of Folk Artists. Researcher and collector of specimens of folklore; his works constitute a valuable source of reference for folk musicians. Contributor and advisor for Gadki z Chatki folk music magazine.