Professor Jerzy Bartmiński - lecturer at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (chair of the Section of Textology and Grammar of Contemporary Polish Language at the Polish Philology Departament), and at State Vocational Academy in Przemyśl (chair of the Polish Philology Departament). Juror at "Mikołajki Folkowe" Festival in 1995, at "Folk Phonogram of the Year Competition" in 1998 - 2000 and 2002, and at the Folk Groups and Singers Festival in Kazimierz (many times). Linguist and folklorist, whose papers are a great source of knowledge to anyone interested in the language of folklore and spiritual folk culture. Researcher in the field of modern general Polish language and folk Polish language, speech varieties, textology, stylistics and cognitive semantics. Author of 350 works in linguistics, etnolinguistics and textology, including O języku folkloru (On the Language of Folklore, Wrocław 1973), O derywacji stylistycznej. Gwara w funkcji języka artystycznego (On Stylistic Derivation. Dialect as Artistic Language, Lublin 1977), Kolędowanie na Lubelszczyźnie (Carolling in the Lublin Region, co-edited with Czesław Hernas, Wrocław 1986), Folklor, język, poetyka (Folklore, Language, Poetics, Wrocław 1990), Kolędy Polskie (Polish Christmas Carols, co-edited with Roch Sulima, Warszawa 1991), Folklor-sacrum-religia (Foklore- the Sacred - Religion, co-edited with Maria Jasińska-Wojtkowska, Lublin 1995), Polskie kolędy ludowe (Polish Folk Carols, Kraków 2002). Originator and editor of numerous collective works, such as Słownik stereotypów i symboli ludowych ( A Dictionary of Folk Stereotypes and Symbols) Vol.1 Kosmos, Part 1, 1996, Part 2 1999), or Atlas etnolingwistyczny Pobuża (Ethnolinguistic Atlas of Pobuże Region, in edition). Founder and editor of the Ethnolingwistyka (Ethnolinguistics) annual (Vols. 1-16, Lublin 1988-2004). Member of the Polish Language Council at the Polish Academy of Sciences. Winner of the Ministry of National Education Award (in 1974, 1979, 1987, 1997); POLCUL Award (in 1989), Premio Internationale di Studii Ethnoantropologici Pitre Salomone (Italy 1989), Kolberg's Award (1991), Gloger's Award (1998); awarded with a state honour "Krzyż Kawalerski Orderu Odrodzenia Polski" in 1999. A charismatic teacher, infecting students with his enthusiasm for folk culture. A supportive observer of the folk music scene, he takes an active interest in its development.